Zetman – c.118


118 is the end of v10 and the last of the chapters our translator had done, so it’s probably the last one we’ll be putting out for the moment. Considering that our “series defibrillation” seems to have been successful, we have to decide what to do from now on, so we’ve created a poll to see what you guys think. If you prefer an unlisted option, please mention it in the comments below.

For the sake of being clear, the situation is that our translator translated a bunch of chapters a little while ago (like a week or two), and we’re putting them out now. It might seem a bit redundant or unnecessary given that EG has put out some more Zetman, but keep in mind that we did the translations when EG had released 1 Zetman chapter in the past 90 days or so. Anyway, since we have the transes done we’re going to put out what we have translated — whether or not EG does them first. I mean, the raws are tank scans, so the hardest part is the translation. The least we can do is scanlate what he’s done.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

Zetman – c.117


Another chapter coming up right away. For the sake of being clear, the situation is that our translator translated a bunch of chapters a little while ago (like a week or two), and we’re putting them out now. It might seem a bit redundant or unnecessary given that EG has put out some more Zetman, but keep in mind that we did the translations when EG had released 1 Zetman chapter in the past 90 days or so. Anyway, since we have the transes done we’re going to put out what we have translated — whether or not EG does them first. I mean, the raws are tank scans, so the hardest part is the translation. The least we can do is scanlate what he’s done.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

Zetman – c.116


Still working. We should get some more out later. For the sake of being clear, the situation is that our translator translated a bunch of chapters a little while ago (like a week or two), and we’re putting them out now. It might seem a bit redundant or unnecessary given that EG has put out some more Zetman, but keep in mind that we did the translations when EG had released 1 Zetman chapter in the past 90 days or so. Anyway, since we have the transes done we’re going to put out what we have translated — whether or not EG does them first. I mean, the raws are tank scans, so the hardest part is the translation. The least we can do is scanlate what he’s done.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

Zetman – c.115


We’re working really hard to finish these up. Still more coming.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

Zetman – c.114


We already had the translations done for these, so we plan to release up to at least where we translated. Expect to see some more soon.
(Post edited 4:59 PM)

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

Zetman – c.113


Here’s another Zetman chapter for you. We should get another chapter out pretty soon. This really is a great series. You should be reading this series if you’re not already.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

(Edit: for those unfamiliar with crab battles or crab people)

Zetman – c.112

mediafiremegaupload rapidsharemangahelpers

So I was reading Zetman again recently and saw a major lull in releases. I decided to go read some raws and then I ended up just translating a bunch of them. The group decided we might as well use them, so here you go. I’m still working on them, so hopeful we can help get Zetman closer to up-to-date.

Raws: Velzandi

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/blog rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).