Dante’s Divine Comedy – c.22


It’s been a while since our last update of this series, but we once again seem to have found some zeal for this project. Hopefully it can last us for a few more release (unfortunately it seems to go with the wind, so I can never promise anything). At any rate, next on our list is Vagabond 296 and then v32 changes. We really do sometimes set aside our ancillary projects for far too long. Accordingly, we’d like to thank you for your patients.

Raw: grim2783

You can find more information about our scanlation of this manga here and here, under the Dante’s Divine Comedy section.

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Note, if you are going to post this elsewhere (and we encourage you to do so): Since we obviously provide a wide array of links and because we would like people exposed to our site, we ask that you link to our post/site rather than to the individual downloads or re-uploads of them. (we are not talking about archive sites and online readers, in which case we encourage people to add our releases to them).

4 responses to “Dante’s Divine Comedy – c.22

  1. How many chapters are in volume 2. Asking because I am waiting until the volume is done before reading it.
    I’ve gotten myself tied up in too many 1/2 done series so I’m trying to be good.
    Granted, you choose such good projects, it is hard.

    • There are 39 chapter total, but the chapter lengths vary greatly in length and complexity. Additionally, we’re fairly inconsistent on how long we take to do a given amount of work. The best way to tell how much we have left to do might be by page. Going by that, we have 157 pages left until we’re done (volume 2 having 412 total).

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