Until Death Do Us Part – c.45


We should have some more chapters out fairly soon. Oh, and prizeneck.com. (as seen in this chapter)
Trans: Ancalime (you can thank her there)
Raw: Finestela

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10 responses to “Until Death Do Us Part – c.45

  1. More UDDUP love!!! Just when you thought you could quit >.>

    Now I need to go and thank the translator as well… heh.

  2. Yeah, we were going to stop, but I guess we’re sort of impatient. We expected a release within the day (it only takes us a few hours at most to do these chapters). Nothing came and so we thought, ‘what the hell, it’s not like it’s that hard to do this stuff’. Thus this string of chapters. As soon as, and indeed if, we get permission from Zindyr to use his translations, we should have another 6 chapters out fairly fast. Our quandary begins there after; we don’t have a lot of time to translate UDDUP ourselves (I mean worse comes to worse we will, just on a slower schedule) and our aggressive filling might indicate to the translators that we are going to take the series over (id est translate it ourselves) even though we don’t want to. I just hope they read that we want them to continue and that we won’t get in their way if they do (the contrary actually). Also, you may not know this, but a good deal of translations used in manga scanlations originate from MH and are independent of groups. Normally they just get relegated to a little mention in the credits and people just think the groups did all the work (a huge number of group don’t even have a translator on staff as a matter of fact). But we think that it’s not cool that they do a big chunk (imo the most important and difficult chunk) of the work and then get little to no attention from the average reader. That’s why we make such a big deal about it. (also it’s not normal for us to use an outside trans and we generally don’t like to)

  3. Ummmm…..
    You sure do like to spoil us, don’t you?
    Well, please spoil us s’more; we won’t become brats, honest ;D
    Anyways, thanks bunches of munch for your continued release of this series, because it’s a real fun one, isn’t it?


  4. My god you nihil guys own… You are almost on a daily basis with this series …GREAT!….

    NIHIL is on a releasing spree !!!

    (like FH with kekkai)

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